In this section you will find the answer of some of the frequent questions our clients have.
You can make your payments through bank deposit or wire transfer:
Cta. Cte. Suc. 34 – 1876/0
CBU 0720034220000000187604
Noubar Parnakian S.A.
CUIT 30-68780502-6
Cta. Cte. Suc. 91 – 65600100/02
Noubar Parnakian S.A.
CUIT 30-68780502-6
Cta. Cte. en pesos 14555-6 002-4
CBU 00700002320000014555640
Noubar Parnakian S.A.
CUIT 30-68780502-6
Puede enviar los valores a nuestras oficinas (Av. Juan de Garay 2549 – C.A.B.A – Argentina. Código Postal: 1256)
If you have any doubts, please get in touch with your sales consultant.
Libreria ALE gives your 15 days form the billing day to make any claim.
If you have any claims to make, please contact your sales consultant. He will guide you through all the process and will give you all the support you need.
In Libreria ALE we offer you free delivery service for some zones of the AMBA (Metropolitan Area of Buenos Aires). Each zone is assigned with one or two delivery days per week. Here you will find the delivery schedule. Please, ask which is the minimum amount of purchase for you to make use of this service.
If your area is not included in our schedule, we will deliver your order to the transport terminal for free. Once there, the logistic expenses run on your own.